In this blog post we will dive into the details of Google Consent Mode v2. This updated mechanism allows websites to read and adjust Google Tags based on a user’s consent preferences regarding personal advertising and analytics trackers. 

This updated mechanism allows sites to read and customize Google tags based on user preferences for personal ads and tracking modules for analytics. When a user rejects cookies, Google Consent Mode v2 comes into play. Functionally, not much will change on your site or cookie banner if you properly integrate it with the new Consent Mode; it will still look and function as it does now.

Essentially, it allows you to provide Google with information about the consent status of your users’ cookies or application identifiers, ensuring that tags (such as Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Ads) adjust their behavior and respect users’ choices based on consent signals sent by your site. Be sure to check that the consent mode is working as expected on your site, and consider upgrading to gtag.js or Google Tag Manager if you are using older tags. 

Consent Signals: When a user interacts with a site’s consent settings (such as accepting or rejecting cookies), Google Consent Mode v2 captures these consent signals. These signals inform Google of the user’s preferences regarding cookies, personalized advertising and data sharing. 

Tag Behavior Adjustment: Equipped with consent signals, Google tags (such as Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Ads) adjust their behavior accordingly. For example, if a user does not consent to personalized ads, the relevant tags will respect that choice and stop displaying personalized ads. 

Integration with Your Website: Implementation of consent mode v2 includes setting the default consent state to denied and updating it based on user interaction. 

Two new parameters are introduced 

ad_user_data: Determines consent for sending user data related to advertising to Google (values: ‘granted’ or ‘denied’). 

ad_personalization: Controls consent for personalized advertising (values: ‘granted’ or ‘denied’). 

Legacy Tags Consideration: If your site uses older tags (such as ga.js, analytics.js or conversion.js), consider upgrading to gtag.js or Google Tag Manager. This will ensure seamless compatibility with v2 consent mode and maintain a privacy-focused approach. 

Remember to verify that consent mode works as expected on your website, and provide practical guidance for integrating and testing this powerful tool! 

Let’s explore the differences between advanced mode and basic mode in the context of Google Consent Mode v2 and choose the mode that best suits your website’s needs and user experience! 

In Advanced Mode, websites gain more detailed control over Google’s tag behavior based on user consent. You can customize tag behavior for specific purposes, such as analytics, advertising and other tracking mechanisms. For example, you can configure tags to trigger only when a user explicitly consents to personalized advertising or analytics tracking. Advanced mode provides flexibility, but requires careful configuration to comply with site privacy policies. 

Basic mode simplifies the deployment process by offering a straightforward approach. Tags work in a binary manner: they start when consent is granted or remain dormant when consent is denied. If you prefer a streamlined setup without complex customizations, basic mode is the right choice. Note, however, that basic mode may not support certain use cases that require nuanced tag behavior. 

Activating Google’s consent mode ensures that advertising platforms receive necessary data while respecting users’ privacy. This is a key step in maintaining effective and privacy-conscious marketing practices. Let’s take a look at the consequences of not activating Google’s consent mode: 

Data Transmission to Google: Without Google Consent Mode, no data will be sent to your Google advertising platforms. This means that measurement, reporting, audience creation, and remarketing possibilities will decrease. Consequently, your marketing campaigns may be less optimized due to the lack of relevant data. 

Limited Audience Insights: Audience insights, which are crucial for targeted advertising, rely on user data. Without consent mode, you won’t have access to granular information about user behavior and preferences. This limitation can impact your ability to tailor ads effectively. 

Reduced Remarketing Effectiveness: Remarketing relies on tracking user interactions and serving relevant ads. If consent mode is not activated, your remarketing efforts may suffer. Users who could have been retargeted effectively might be missed. 

Incomplete Conversion Tracking: Conversion tracking helps measure the success of your campaigns. Without consent mode, some conversions may go untracked, leading to incomplete data. This affects your ability to optimize bidding strategies and allocate budgets efficiently. 

Yes, starting from March 2024, Google Consent Mode v2 is mandatory for websites using Google Ads or Google Analytics. Using Google’s consent mode in 2024 is a wise choice for privacy-conscious and effective digital marketing. Activating Google’s consent mode in 2024 remains a key concern for site owners and marketers. Here’s why: 

Privacy Compliance: As privacy laws continue to evolve around the world, adherence to user preferences regarding consent is essential. Google’s consent mode ensures that your site respects users’ choices regarding cookies and data tracking. 

Optimized advertising: Implementing consent mode enables personalized advertising while maintaining user privacy. This balance is crucial for effective ad targeting and campaign performance. 

Data Insights: Consent mode allows you to collect relevant data for analytics, audience segmentation and remarketing. Without it, you risk losing valuable insights. 

User experience: Prioritizing user consent improves the overall user experience. Transparent communication about data use increases audience trust. 

If the google v2 consent mode is still a bit unclear to you and you are not sure how to implement it correctly on your WordPress website, contact us and we will help you. We’ll talk about the best implementation for your site, whether it’s using CMP (consent management platform) platforms or adding a WordPress cookie plugin and cookie banner. 

In conclusion, Google Consent Mode v2 is not just a technical implementation; it’s a strategic choice that aligns privacy-conscious practices with effective marketing. Embrace it, adapt, and continue delivering exceptional user experiences! 

Google Consent Mode v2 is an updated mechanism that allows websites to adjust Google Tags based on user consent for ads and analytics cookies. It ensures privacy compliance while enabling personalized advertising. 

Yes, starting from March 2024, Google Consent Mode v2 is mandatory for websites using Google Ads or Google Analytics. Compliance is essential to maintain data quality and audience insights. 

V2 introduces two new parameters: ad_user_data (for sending user data related to advertising) and ad_personalization (for personalized advertising). It provides more granular control over consent preferences. 

In Europe, Consent Mode ensures compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations by adjusting tag behavior based on user consent. 

Yes, when configured correctly, Consent Mode aligns with GDPR principles by respecting user choices and transparently handling data. 

Set the default consent state and update it based on user interactions with your consent settings. 

If a user refuses cookies, Consent Mode adjusts how Google tags behave, ensuring compliance. 

If you use a consent management platform (CMP), it will automatically update. Otherwise, implement v2 manually. If you need help just contact us.